Thursday, June 23, 2011

Departures and Arrivals ... but mostly departures

Well ISA’s,

Get out your handkerchiefs. Are you sitting down? You might want to sit down. Unless you’re on a treadmill or walking through a busy intersection. In that case, the fact that you’re reading this is impressive, but finish what you’re doing and then sit down because … I have some bad news.

Our fearless leader, our top dog, our mother of all things programming … is leaving …


Here at the ISO, we take these departures quite seriously, because losing a member of the team is like losing a member of your not-really-family-but-I-spend-more-time-with-them-and-sometimes-think-I-like-them-better-but-don’t-tell-my-mom family. And that’s sad.

So, as we, the programming team, don our black mourning vestments and cover our face in dry erase marker because somebody replaced our chalkboard and now that’s all we have, we shall remember Tasha amidst our piercing wails and steady beating of fist to chest. Wait – no, I'm getting my farewell parties mixed up with my Ancient Mediterranean funerary rights (It happens).

Regardless, we’re still going to wear our symbolic black attire, but instead of tearing all our clothing and covering ourselves with dust, we’ll just listen to some sad songs and make this cheesy tribute.

Here we go. We’re counting on you to pick out your own soundtrack music for this, so make sure it’s really depressing.



There is no single way to describe Tasha.

The first time you meet her, you may think: This girl lives in another world.

And then you get to know her, and you realize …

You were right.

But, that hasn’t stopped Tasha from committing herself wholeheartedly to the ISO and the GW community.

When it comes to programming and all the work that's needed to make an event successful, Tasha has never been afraid to get her hands dirty. ... or any part of her, for that matter.

Her dedication and enthusiasm sometimes left her feeling like she bit off more than she could chew …

But even after all of the stress each event would bring, Tasha was always ready to bite into something new.

And when we had problems, who came to our rescue? Tasha. Not just as a co-worker or supervisor, but as a co-person, a friend … a superhero.

Who was always ready to stand by our side …

no matter how embarrassing or ridiculous the situation?

Who greeted us every morning with her smiling exuberance?

And motivated us with her positivity and gentle nature?

Who has always encouraged us to be true to ourselves?

That’s right: Tasha

But the time has come.

She’s moving out into the wider world.

The sun has set on her ISO adventure

But as Ernest Hemingway once penned: “The Sun Also Rises.”

So, go Tasha.

Without sadness or regret.

Keep reaching for that next great adventure.

Don’t let the unknown paralyze you like a deer in the headlights.

And don’t look back.

Because, no matter what happens, we’ll be here.

And we’ll save you a seat.

Whew. I don't know about you ISA's, but I'm tearing up.

Isn't that just the saddest thing?

How are we going to survive without Tasha?

(Don't worry: you'll still have me!)

Uh ... I mean ... we'll miss you Tasha. :(


1 comment:

  1. Oh!Tasha.I will miss you. Are you going to stay in D.C. or you are chasing your dream in other states? -F.J.
