Sunday, July 24, 2011

Well the title of the blog itself gives me goose bumps, as you read through it probably you feel those goose & geese bumps as well.

Let me start with a small story.
Jeet grew up with four friends, they woke up together, ate together, studied together and to end it all played cricket together and they are:
1) Vibhav Natu : Married ( Love Marriage) : Initially was opposed by the family but they relented and accepted it.
2) Kapil Panchal (Arranged Marriage) : I couldn't believe that any girl would say yes to this bugger(British slang), but he is getting married this November ( It will be live on skype for me to witness)
3) Kedar Nivate (Arranged Marriage): We decided to get married on the same stage, but social pressure is driving him nuts and he can't wait for me. ( I am writing this blog mainly because of this guy)
4) Jeet : ......................

Story End :) Happy Ending, except for the fact that the ending is blank with out me jumping into the so called matrimonial phase.

Well i remember my first days in US, my friends concern about my love life (guys do talk about love life) decided to hook me up with some females. Michelle & Jerry being my love gurus started doing my so called counselling. Disappointed by my speed they gave up, but i had to tell them that my wishes of marrying a girl of my choice would never be approved at all.

At this stage they were heartbroken like literally heartbroken. The super woman Michelle then asked me "Jeet, will you ever get married" and then i took my laptop out and smiled.

This is what i told them, and you can try doing it in your laptop as well, follow the steps listed so that this is interactive. This is the way literally thousands of Indians are getting married now a days and this thing really works. There are a whole lot of services and money being made by these sites by bringing together the working class Indians who don't have time for dating or who can not date due to family pressures.

Stage 1
The example today we are going to discuss is about your friend Jeet and this is how you are going to help him find a bride. Feel free to browse through other options if you like

1) Go to
Notice the words TAMIL in the website, it is a language spoken in southern India, since there are 30 other languages there are 30 other sites. We are not going to bother about it. Being specific helps to narrow down the search results.

2) The second tab, is the search tab (home tab is on the left and register tab is on the right of it). Move your mouse over to search and select regular search.

3) Fill in the following information in the search page
     Select gender : Female
    Age : 23 to 27 ( acceptable age difference)
    Height: 5ft  to 5ft 9
    Martial Status: Unmarried
    Religion : Hindu
    Mother Tongue : By default it would be "Tamil" other wise chose the Tamil
    Caste: Add
    Country : For now lets keep it USA and then we can change to India later.
    Education : Bachelors Engineering / Computers & Masters Engineering /Computers
    Show Profile : With photos

Now click on Search, the result will show one female i guess ( that is what it showed me, and remember we clicked the country as united states if we would have changed the country to india there would have been more search results). Click on her and go through her profile. Everything about her is listed here, what she likes and what she dislikes and also what kind of person they are expecting for her. (Notice that the profile is being created by her parents and not her, screws me up even more because i don't know if my parents have created my profile)

All parents in India would spend some time of their busy life online on sites like this ( and not facebook).

Stage 2 : 
Once they think, that the girl satisfies their requirements, they would contact her parents and get her Horoscope. ( Horoscope are really really really important). The horoscope of the girl and the boy is read at the same time by a savant and he/she determines if they stars and the planets will protect the holy matrimonial.

Stage 3: 
The parents will break the news that they have found a girl and vice versa with her family. They will exchange pictures and ask for their advice ( since now a days everyone is educated). During the initial days in India the girl and boy never use to see each other before marriage, right at the moment when they are getting married they will see each other on the podium. Then it progressed to speed dating when the boy will go the girl house to meet her and get like 10 mins to decide if they want to get married or not. But thanks to Gtalk, Skype & Facebook the girl and the boy chat before they decide to meet up.

Step 4:
A background check is done on the family on both sides, its like the FBI thingy in depth information is collected on the side lines of the chat. This is a very important stage as well

Step 5: 
The boy's family will  ask for dowry ( The boy literally becomes a millionaire right after marriage. Assuming that i am in US my dowry rates would be high as well. ( This is like bullsh%$ which i don't believe in but i say "I don't want it", they will think that "May be the boy is impotent, which is why out of desperation his family wants to marry him off"

Step 6: 
Get married, have kids in the first year(again social pressure) and have a happy life ahead.

The purpose of this blog was to show the complications involved in a marriage and yet the system which kind of works. Kapil's marriage is arranged and so is Kedar, he met his girl through a similar website.

I fear that if i go back to India they will start fixing me up with someone. ( One of the reasons to do my graduation was to escape home and avoid falling in the trap of marriage). The typical age for a guy to get married is 25 and for a girl is 23.

Well now that you know how to do it, find me someone. :) :) :) (blondes accepted)

P.S: While majority marriages are still arranged in India many do get married outside their caste, against their family wishes and are being accepted in the society. ( ray of hope for me :) )



  1. Jeet, This is one of my favorite blog posts yet! Thanks for posting, although I am worried that I will take your offer too seriously and spend hours perusing the site you gave us for your perfect woman...

  2. Sarah, i will give you half of the dowry money if you can find me a blonde Indian. We both can be half millionaires in one day. :) :) :)

  3. I don't know if we'll be able to FIND one, but we most certainly can put in an initial investment in bleach and hair dye if we're guaranteed that kind of return. :)

  4. HA HA HA .. Here is the calculator
