This might be a little strange, but growing up, I always looked forward to breakfast. It's the one meal my family would sit down for before going to work or school. Usually we'd come home too late for dinner together.
I'm not much of a picky eater, so I didn't mind having the same thing every morning (cereal, oatmeal, tofu), but sometimes when my mom was feeling generous, she would make me a cup of traditional Filipino (Spanish?) hot chocolate.
This stuff is not for the faint of heart. It's pure chocolate tablets mixed in boiling water. The chocolate isn't even sweet. Tough stuff that really got me awake in the morning (no joe for me) and kept my sweet tooth in line all day.
Coming to college really made me miss my cereal and hot chocolate, so I make it a point to always have some chocolate tablets and evaporated milk in my pantry.
I want some pure chocolate tablets. Oh the possibilities ...